Multiplication is when you multiply two or more numbers together. The numbers that are being multiplied are called factors. The number that is the result of multiplication is called product.
In multiplication . or x signs are used to multiply one number by another.
The words that may be used in multiplication word problems are (quantity) times (quantity), to group, to multiply, to increase by a factor of (quantity).

Caren wants to bring 5 candies to each of her 4 friends. How many candies does she need to bring?
Answer: Caren needs to bring 4 times of 5 candies in order to give 5 candies to each of her 4 friends. It can be written as an addition as well. 5+5+5+5 = 4 x 5 = 20.

Division is when you divide one number by another. The number that is being divided is the dividend. The number that is being divided by is called the divisor. The result of the division is called quotient.
In division : sign is used to divide one number by another.
The words that may be used in division word problems are (quantity) divided by (quantity), to split, to divide, to reduce by a factor of (quantity).

Caren has 20 candies and she wants to divide them evenly between her 4 friends. How many candies would each friend give?
Answer: Caren has 20 candies and she has 4 friends. If she divides her 20 candies into 4, then she would get 5 candies for each. 20:4 = 5.